martes, 8 de octubre de 2024

Se pone en marcha nuestro mercadillo de segunda mano

 Continuando con el desarrollo de nuestro proyecto Fast fashion VS Sustainable Fashion  hemos puesto en marcha nuestro mercadillo de segunda mano!

Loa alumnos pueden intercambiar ropa o donar aquella que ya no necesiten. Intentamos cumplir con uno de nuestros objetivos principales de nuestro proyecto!

lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2024

Comienza nuestro proyecto en etwinning!




Through the joint eTwinning project, we will organize various activities to introduce students to the problems of fast fashion. Our goals are:

  • make students aware and responsible of changing their habits to buy clothes
  • make students think and value nature regarding to recycling
  • encourage students to buy local products instead of online
  • engage students in interactive and creative ways, fostering their understanding of fashion sustainability.
  • make students aware of the environmental impact of textile waste

Based on partnership agreements, we decided to carry out the following activities during the project:

  • survey on knowledge of fast and sustainable fashion
  • fashion footprint diary
  • quiz on fast and sustainable fashion
  • articles about examples of sustainable fashion in our countries
  • student influencers: students show examples of how to repair and recycle clothes

Encouraging students to keep a fashion footprint diary for a week where they track their clothing choices, including how often they wear an item, where it was made, and how it was produced. This activity raises awareness of their own consumption habits, their impact on the planet and of the working conditions of textile workers.

lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2024

Ya tenemos logo para nuestra próxima aventura!

 Iniciamos una nueva aventura FAST FASHION VS SUSTAINABLE FASHION para ello hemos creado un grupo de trabajo entre los siguientes pasises: Francia, Italia, Suecia, Croacia, Rumanía y nosotros!


lunes, 13 de mayo de 2024

Job shadowing experience in Portugal

 Two of our teachers travelled last week to Vila Nova da Barquinha in Portugal to experience a job shadowing mobility. 

Among other aspects, these are the ones which they have been focusing on and developing their knowledge about: 

- Knowing how they carry out the inclusion of students with special needs.

- Learning about sustainable educational school models.

- Getting to know the use of ICTs in the classroom.

- Learning about Portuguese culture and European citizenship. 

Thank you for the opportunity!




domingo, 28 de abril de 2024

Dissemination project in Croatian TV

 La diseminación de un proyecto Erasmus+ sobre Competencia Digital en una televisión de Croacia representa una oportunidad invaluable para dar visibilidad a iniciativas educativas innovadoras. Este proyecto, enfocado en el desarrollo de habilidades digitales, busca preparar a estudiantes y docentes para los desafíos de un mundo tecnológico en constante evolución. La aparición en un medio de comunicación masivo permite llegar a un público amplio, destacando los objetivos y logros del programa. Además, inspira a otras instituciones a unirse a proyectos similares, fomentando la colaboración internacional y el intercambio de buenas prácticas para mejorar la educación en Europa y más allá.

viernes, 26 de abril de 2024

Students short mobility to Vinkovci, Croatia


Part of our 3rd ESO students travelled to Croatia last week. There they lived with the students of OŠ Vladimira Nazora, Vinkovci, sharing a fantastic week of recreational and educational activities after many months preparing the mobility.

Among other aspects, participants have been learning about Croatian culture, putting into practice their English oral skills, and delving into the world of fake news and cyberbullying. 

Our congratulations to our hosts for the great organization. We are grateful to have been able to enjoy this unforgettable experience.

Follow the link below to have a look at our days there:


domingo, 10 de marzo de 2024

Interactive groups

In order to develop our objective about offering innovative and diverse learning opportunities, here you can watch a video about how we put interactive groups into practice. These allow volunteers (families, associations, former students...) to access the classrooms and actively participate in the development of activities from different subjects.

In addition, they favor the creation of links between the various components of our Learning Community, give students the opportunity to work on academic content in a more playful way, which facilitates their learning, and, at the same time, favor inclusion and improve the group's coexistence.

Enjoy the video: 

domingo, 25 de febrero de 2024

Linguistic immersion in England


As part of our objective to improve foreign language competence, some of our students have travelled to Birmingham, Cambridge and London as part of a linguistic immersion programme. Their experience has been awesome!

lunes, 12 de febrero de 2024

Collaboration with CEIP Sebastián de Córdoba Erasmus project


As a secondary school fostering the different basic principles in Europe, last week we collaborated with CEIP Sebastián de Córdoba (a primary school from our town) regarding their Erasmus project.

Three Croatian pupils and their two teachers were received by some of our students and have been working on several workshops about brain games and a variety of entertaining challenges.

 We all enjoyed and spent a great time together!

jueves, 25 de enero de 2024

Our ecological garden


Environmental sustainability and responsibility is key in our Learning Community. Our students have been working and learning about it in our ecological garden. Here you are some pictures to check the progress on how wonderful the results are so far.

miércoles, 13 de diciembre de 2023

Topics to work on with Croatian partner

 Some days ago, we started to discuss with our Croatian partner, Osnovna škola Vladimira Nazora from Vinkovci, about possible topics to work on during the coming months and for our mobility there in April.

We have decided to focus on our Erasmus+ objective number 2, regarding ICTs, and number 4, concerning foreign languages. In that sense, our students will be developing their knowledge on social media dangers: cyberbullying as well as information search and selection / fake news. Apart from that, we will also delve into their relation to mental health, one of the objectives of our Croatian colleagues.


viernes, 1 de diciembre de 2023

Erasmus team learning experience

 Last week, María Eugenia Pérez, experienced psichologist and inclusive pedagogy expert, visited our school and was working with some of our colleagues on cooperative learning and shared teaching. In an attempt to develop the European basic principle of inclusion as well as our Erasmus+ project objective number 3, regarding methodologies, this formation has been fruitful, rewarding and enlightening. 


 As can be seen in the pictures, the participant teachers practiced what, following María Eugenia's words, empowers learners in their process towards personal and professional development. 

In our future mobilities, our Erasmus+ team will be capable of spreading these practices and our first-hand experiences.

Thank you, María Eugenia!


Source: pictures provided by CEP Úbeda.

miércoles, 15 de noviembre de 2023

Erasmus+ slogan

 After some time for delibaration and voting, we would love to communicate that our Erasmus+ slogan will be:

 Our Learning Community and Europe: Stronger Together

miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2023

Erasmus+ logo

Our Erasmus+ logo for the ongoing project has been chosen. Students designed their drafts and after some digitalization process applied, a final version has been developed. With the collaboration of our school community, the logo is this one:

From now on, we will work for our Erasmus+ project to be idetified with it.