martes, 31 de octubre de 2023

Erasmus+ logo design and slogan

 These previous weeks our students from 3rd ESO have been developing their own personal ideas for our Erasmus+ logo. They have mixed their ideas and come up with some draft versions which will be discussed and assessed in the coming days. Some of them are the ones below:

In addition, and despite it not being compulsory, the Erasmus+ decided that it would be a great idea to have our own slogan. The four suggested ones are:

-Growing as a learning community in Europe

-Developing our learning community hand in hand with Europe

-Our learning community and Europe: stronger together

-Enriching our learning community in European values

These will be voted and the final winner will represent us during our participation in our KA121 project.

miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2023

Mobilities breaking news

 Last July, the Erasmus+ team started to search the possible partners and collaborators for 2023/2024. Our first aim was that these organisations would help us develop and work on our plan objectives and priorities, and, secondly, that we would contribute to theirs as well.

Many emails later and having assessed our budget, preferences and possible dates, two foreign schools will be part of us for our first mobilities. These are:

- Short term mobility with students: to Primary School Vladimir Nazor (Vinkovci, Croatia) with students up to 15 years old; from 14 to 19 April 2024. 


- Job shadowing: to Agrupamento de Escolas de Vila Nova da Barquinha (Vila Nova da Barquinha, Portugal), from 6 to 10 May 2024.

 We are sure the experiences with them will be absolutely enriching and enlightening for all the parts involved.

viernes, 20 de octubre de 2023

Selection of students and logo design

After some weeks of interviews and discussions with students from 3º ESO (14-15 years old), we have finally come up with the eight names that will directly participate in the short-term group mobility next April. 

They have been discussing their interest and willingness to participate in Erasmus+, they have faced different real-life situations and solved them through role-play, and they have been designing the project logo. In the coming days, this logo will be published in order that everybody in our community gets to know it. 

From the Erasmus+ team, we would like to congratulate all the candidate students and, especially, the selected ones for their collaboration and active participation. Thank you!

martes, 3 de octubre de 2023

Starting the selection of students

 Our first group mobility of students this academic year is starting today. The students to take part already know about the criteria which will be considered so that the process is open and clean. 

Among them, we can find the following ones:

- project logo design

- motivational letter to participate in Erasmus+

- oral discussion of that letter

-"what would you do in these situations?", in which they will solve and face real situations

- positive and proactive attitude

Teachers from the Erasmus+ team will also collaborate throughout the process and the chosen ones will be published before October ends.

Good luck to all the participants!

Job shadowing experience in Portugal

 Two of our teachers travelled last week to Vila Nova da Barquinha in Portugal to experience a job shadowing mobility.  Among other aspects,...