miércoles, 13 de diciembre de 2023

Topics to work on with Croatian partner

 Some days ago, we started to discuss with our Croatian partner, Osnovna škola Vladimira Nazora from Vinkovci, about possible topics to work on during the coming months and for our mobility there in April.

We have decided to focus on our Erasmus+ objective number 2, regarding ICTs, and number 4, concerning foreign languages. In that sense, our students will be developing their knowledge on social media dangers: cyberbullying as well as information search and selection / fake news. Apart from that, we will also delve into their relation to mental health, one of the objectives of our Croatian colleagues.


viernes, 1 de diciembre de 2023

Erasmus team learning experience

 Last week, María Eugenia Pérez, experienced psichologist and inclusive pedagogy expert, visited our school and was working with some of our colleagues on cooperative learning and shared teaching. In an attempt to develop the European basic principle of inclusion as well as our Erasmus+ project objective number 3, regarding methodologies, this formation has been fruitful, rewarding and enlightening. 


 As can be seen in the pictures, the participant teachers practiced what, following María Eugenia's words, empowers learners in their process towards personal and professional development. 

In our future mobilities, our Erasmus+ team will be capable of spreading these practices and our first-hand experiences.

Thank you, María Eugenia!


Source: pictures provided by CEP Úbeda.


Finalmente ha concluido el intercambio Erasmus + con el Lycée Lamark de Albert, Francia el cual  nos ha visitado en nuestro IES. Durante est...